• Councelling Code:
      G V I C

Chairman Message

M. Tech.,(Gold Medalist), (Ph.D.), British Citizen
Secretary & Correspondent.

It was my dream to establish a Platform in my BIRTH PLACE to provide high quality education for rural students of this very backward region and that strong desire lead the creation of Golden Valley. Providing Education is the most Precious & Noble Service and I always aimed at bringing balance between Cost & Quality offering right value to the Community. Hence, I am continuously trying with my best efforts to combine academic excellence and ethical values in students to create Socially responsible young citizens of our nation. Golden Valley always believes that the education system must imbibe values and good practices for leading a simple, quite & healthy life style. I feel honoured to be Torch Bearer of this noblest responsibility of Expanding learning that can mould the most significant resource of our country, i.e Youth & Young Children.

Our attempts to improve and enhance the infrastructure is a continuous & never ending activity which will continue unabated. Most sincere & fully committed efforts are always applied to give a Golden Platform to every student to perform and showcase their natural talents and develop in them, a feeling of caring and compassion for the society and environment.

At Golden Valley Integrated Campus (GVIC), we are dedicated to fostering an environment where innovation thrives and creativity blossoms. Our state-of-the-art laboratories are designed to be the breeding ground for groundbreaking ideas and pioneering research. Each lab is equipped with cutting-edge technology, enabling our students and faculty to push the boundaries of knowledge and make impactful discoveries.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our classrooms, where advanced projectors and interactive tools transform the learning experience. These resources ensure that our teaching methodologies are not only contemporary but also engaging, making the learning journey both enriching and enjoyable.

Projects at GVIC are not just assignments; they are opportunities to innovate and make a difference. We encourage our students to think outside the box, collaborate, and develop solutions that can change the world. Our faculty members are mentors who guide this process with their expertise and passion, nurturing the next generation of leaders and innovators.

GVIC stands for Growth, Vision, Innovation, and Collaboration. These core values drive us to continuously improve and inspire everyone on our campus to achieve their fullest potential.

Let's embrace the spirit of innovation and work together to create a future that is bright, dynamic, and filled with endless possibilities.